AboveAll Driving School, LLC - DMV# E-2034

5995 Radmere Drive Elk Grove, CA. 95757  / Office  phone: 916.761.9661 Email:admin@abovealldrivingschool.com

Behind the Wheel Training Hours:


4:00 pm to 6:30 pm

Sat & Sun

8:30 am to 6:30 pm

Established in Elk Grove

Jan 12, 2016

Business License #22891

We Deliver Confidence

Services and Cost




Value Package:Three 2-Hour BTW Driving Lessons

Please Note: Students under 17 1/2 years old must complete 6 hours of Behind-the-Wheel Training with a certified driving school prior to taking the DMV Driver License Test.


Driver Ed Package: Three 2-Hour BTW Driving Lessons

To qualify the student must have taken Drivers Education with AboveAll Driving School to receive the discount. (Certificate Number Required)



One 2-hour BTW Lesson

Recommended for 18 years and older preparing to take the DMV Licencing Exam. 



Drivers Education On-line Training


On-line Traffic Violators School - ADULTS

By successfully completing this Traffic Violator School this course you will mask a traffic citation (and the points that come with it) from appearing on your official DMV driving record.


On-line Mature Drivers Improvement Course - ADULTS 55+

In California drivers age 55 and older can save money on their auto insurance simply by completing a mature driver improvement course. Insurers are mandated to reduce rates for three years, but the amount of the discount varies with each insurance provider; check with your agent for the details
